Saturday, November 22, 2008

Come full circle...

I'm sure everyone must have lost count of the number of times both BOLLYWOOD and HOLLYWOOD have successfully managed to sell a bunch of movies like hot cakes on the basis of the idea i'm about to ramble on.

They say, life always journeys back to where it started from. And by 'they', i mean the scriptwriters of these tuity-fruity movies who have been smart enough to sense the desire of the millions of twits wishing for something like that to happen to them as well, and cashing in on the same.

I think i just hit the bull's eye, now didn't i? The only reason that people buy this idea is because they wish their own lives come full circle someday or the other. Nine out of ten people want a second shot at life, obviously not being very happy about the way it turned out. And this applies to me as well, why else do you think i would have seen SERENDIPITY seven times...!!!!! Because at some level, we all wish we could go back in that special time of our life and make sure that things didn't go about the way they actually did.

No matter how futile the effort may be, and no matter how mature we believe we are to have a complete prior knowledge of this fact, we all still do fall for it. And these movies go on to become huge hits, with their revenue running into millions and breaking prior records made by other wiseguys.

But i'm not complaining, nor are the other millions and millions in the world who spend a lot of cash in an attempt to buy some hope of getting one last chance to change their lives. And who knows, once in a while, it may come true as well.

And lets not forget, sometimes it's better to believe than to doubt.

So... never lose hope.... because what goes up... must come down and what goes by.... must come by again.........someday.

1 comment:

  1. now what was the last line aimed at ??
    the stock markets or scripts ??
