Sunday, June 13, 2010

I better believe...

I better believe that she's gone,
leaving me alone at the crack of dawn,
i thought of this as a nightmare,
just trying to give me another scare....

I better believe, time has ran out,
leaving my life in a sea of doubt,
the longer i live, the harder it gets,
against my dreams why destiny bets...

I better believe that all is lost,
that it can never return at any cost,
the more i think, the less i know,
i wonder now which way should i go...

I better believe that the end is near,
the march of silence, now i can hear,
it doesn't matter what's right or wrong,
i better just keep singing this song.....

1 comment:

  1. I don’t think that you could ever stop trying
    Coz like everyone you want that last dance..
    It may involve a lot of crying....
    But what the heck for one last chance..

    Your brain may say its all lost...
    But surely we've heard that before..
    For if there's one thing you love the most..
    Its going ahead and trying once more...

    As long as it makes you wanna live...
    And makes ur life tick....
    To her if its love ya wanna give…
    She surely wouldn’t have a better pick
