Monday, December 8, 2008

That sinking feeling...
I think i've made a habit of confusing my dear readers with the titles that i give my posts. Let me explain this one to you fellas. Imagine the feeling that a batsman may have when he has hit the ball as hard as he could've and is waiting to see if the ball clears the fence or gets caught by the clown standing on the brink of the boundary ropes, knowing the fact that he has done his part to the fullest extent and there's nothing more that he can do now. Same damn feeling.

The source of the same is not known to me though. The feeling is actually quite familiar, and i keep having it every now and then. And it's even weirder when there's no ball, no clown on the boundary ropes or no relevance with the game of cricket to begin with.

My first semester at college has come to an end, and i don't have much to do on my hands right now, which may be the reason partially responsible for the tricks that my mind seems to be playing on me. Life has been running at such a speed for the past 3 months that may be my brain is rejecting the drastic slowdown. But there are a lot of other things that my brain rejects, such as monogamy.
All jokes apart, i think the only way to get rid of this feeling is to hang out with my friends more often, crack worse jokes, and confuse all of you further by writing more of such posts.


  1. hmm...well ur life needs a break...enjoy it...then its back to the grind i guess

  2. hmm....lucky guy !!
    my exams seem to drag on till 15th and after that prsntn's are on..
    sob sob !! :(

    BTW pend down sumthng abt the exxxxm expr

  3. get rid of That sinking feeling...........i have never seen u in this situation.
