Friday, June 12, 2009

Set free.....

After years of anguish,
and an eternity of pain,
from the shackles of agony,
a prisoner is set free....

After ages of confinement,
and a long hidden grief,
from the formality of life,
a soul is set free....

After days of reluctance,
and nights of dismay,
from the cage of memories,
a bird is set free....

After an era of sadness,
and endless tears,
from the noise of a silence,
a cry is set free....

After a time hard to fathom,
and an unseen spell of love,
from the tangled strings of his heart,
a fool in is set free.....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You said I would rot in jail

    And you'd throw the key away

    I feel safer behind bars

    I'll have time to write my memoirs

    I'm a monster, I'm a beast

    I should never, never be released

    I have rigged a mongoose fight

    And smoked a cigar on an Air India flight

    Don't release me

    Don't release me

    Don't set him free

    I'm too bad to be let out

    There's things you don't know about

    Want a passport? Talk to me

    I have a warehouse full of duty free

    Don't release me

    Don't release me

    Don't set me free

    Living in this place does suit me

    No one here's trying to shoot me

    I'll give you movie masterpieces

    Like my previous releases

    When my next one's in the can

    It'll be bigger than Star Wars or Spiderman

    Throw away the key

    Don't set him free

    Don't release me

    Don't release me

    Don't release me

    Don't set me free

    Don't release me

    Don't release me

    Don't release me

    Don't set him free

  3. Dude....Wooh!!! So Many Poems....I gotta sit down someday with U and knw ur tale....Mayb Some day at CCD or Barista....

    Anways the Poems are kickass...they mean a lot
