Monday, October 19, 2009

I hope i meet their mother...

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER was brought to my notice by Ashutosh, my marketing batch mate. It has granted me some respite after my 7-year-long addiction towards the hit sitcom- F.R.I.E.N.D.S., which according to me, still remains the best thing to grace the small screen with its delectable presence in the past two decades.

Anyway, this post is not about eulogizing something that appears on the 'not-so idiot box'. I'll explain the relevance of the 'not-so' later on. This is about me and my worst fear. No, i'm not referring to cockroaches here, even though they are the most gross beings on the face of the planet. I mean the fear of not being lucky enough to be running into someone out there on a fortuitous day, falling head over heals in love, getting married and having twins- a boy and a girl,the girl being a replica of her beautiful mother. I paint quite a picture, don't i?

I saw her in college, and i thought that was it. But it was not so.
I saw her outside my office door, and thought that was it. It proved to be a poor guess again.
I met her at my b-school, and thought that was it. By this time i had gotten used to getting it all wrong.

The point is, that i'm still searching for her. People call the TV an idiot box for reasons best known to them. May be they feel that it is full of shit and one doesn't learn much from the same. And as lame as it may sound, i did learn one thing from this show- life is not as bad as we make it sound. As far as the 'love problem' is concerned, it will take care of itself. I will find 'the one'. And i know that 'the one', my one, was not one of those girls mentioned above as none of them has been lucky enough to stay by my side. My one is still to come. And i know, that she's coming, i know that she's trying to get to me, as fast as she can.

So mates, i will wait for her. And i will wait for the time when i get a chance to make my teenage kids sit on a couch and start off with the famous line- "Kids, this is the story of how i met your mother.."


  1. At this could probably tell my grandchildren about how you met thier grand aunt.....coz I am sure by the time you get THE may be...Mission Impossible.

  2. Hey buddy keep faith, if u think u were wrong before & all those were ur mistakes then u will hve to learn from ur mistakes. And even u know one thing u r not ready for marriage yet, so by the time u r ready for getting married(i.e. in next 3-4yrs I guess) u will definitely find one.
